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Thai Herbal Massage (1 hr)   £55

This heat treatment is superior to the more common hot stone treatment or hot lava shells.  The scent of the Thai herbs and oils induce such a deep relaxation that we advise you to rest for at least 15 minutes after the Massage.

The Thai Herbal Compress offers several potential health benefits:  It induces deep relaxation, relieves stress and fatigue, boosts emotional and physical well-being, assists alignment and postural integrity of the body, improves circulation of blood and lymph and stimulates the internal organs.


The herbs possess properties that are anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antioxidant and ideal for alleviating pain, stiff, sore or pulled muscles and ligaments, chronic backaches, arthritis, skin conditions, migraines and chronic stress.


They also aid upper respiratory ailments such as bronchitis, asthma, and the common cold.

The traditional Herbs used : 

Camphor:  Is stimulating the brain & heart.


Cassumunar Ginger: soothing the muscle aches and pains.


Eucalyptus:  The steamed vapors or applying to the chest and throat are all effective treatments for colds, cough, congestion, asthma and other respiratory conditions. 


Galangal:  Relieves many digestive ailments. It is strong antiseptic, toning the skin. 


Ginger: Powerful stimulant with heating effects on the body. Its oil boosts circulation, eases muscle stiffness and increases the potency of all herbs combined with it.


Kaffir Lime: The vapors are uplifting, treating respiratory ailments and oil on the skin acts as a cleansing astringent.


Turmeric: One of the key ingredients in healing, used internally for circulatory and digestive problems. 

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